Moving Sale going on now. Many items are buy 3 get 1 free. All discounts are automatically applied in cart.

About Us

As a tile installer by trade for more than 20 years the idea came to utilize larger scrap pieces of marble & granite into my own designs. My two best products came to be a custom desk organizer set and a square candle holder. One thing led to another and once I realized a candle to accompany the candle holder would be a nice feature, I set out to learn about making candles.

Candle making has no end I learned quickly as I wanted to experiment with different mold shapes, colors and then of course add fragrance to these wonderful creations. It didn't take a lot of time to find how much this flourishing hobby was costing but with such a rewarding outcome. I participated in various craft and holiday shows and met a lot of people along the way while still working my day job in construction.

The idea of buying products wholesale in larger quantities started to seem like a good idea. With a lot more inventory than what I needed for myself it was in my best interest to make my spending profitable and The Place 4 Candles came to be. I started selling items such as dye chips for coloring wax, wicks, a couple types of wax and just a few molds. My goal all the while was to pass on the best pricing I could to fellow candle makers.

We now have more than 150 products and 300 listings across multiple selling platforms. My amazing wife has taken on day-to-day operations, marketing, social media, processing, shipping & receiving.  I continue the purchasing of inventory, managing our website, domains, and selling platforms of our ever-growing candle making supplies business.

It is our pleasure to have buyers in the United States and all over the world.

Thanks for reading about us!